Help is just a keystroke away

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Welcome to AbidingHelp

We are here to provide you with a compassionate, competent, and affordable safe space. Our counselors will assist you in navigating life's journeys, meeting your goals, and pursuing your life's purpose. At AbidingHelp we believe that through our counselors, life coaches, and our faith that you will be transformed into the best version of yourself.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

-Romans 8:28-

We have a GREAT TEAM

Learn more about our trained and licensed counselors and coaches by selecting their photos.
Select the email address to send an email.

Cheryl Freimuth

[email protected]

Jeff Haile

[email protected]

Chelsie Worley 

[email protected]

Nancy Adams

[email protected]

Leann Manley

[email protected]

Cynthia Haile

[email protected]

Susana Pascuma

[email protected]

Tell Us About You

Before we can go further,  please fill out the 2 forms here.  Download these forms and send to [email protected]

Consent Form
Information Form

We're Happy to Help

Our staff is ready to help you in any way. Select the categories below and let's start our journey together.

To reach us directly

Phone: 352-848-9488 Email:
[email protected]


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