Jeff Haile

A little about me, my first bachelor’s degree is in Communication Arts Emphasis Broadcasting/Public Relations. After quite a bit of time, I wanted to spread my wings and help those around me who were suffering with addiction. I started back to school and received a second Bachelor of Science degree in Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Chemical Dependence (Magna Cum Laude). I then pressed on and received my Masters in Public Administration, emphasis in Health Care Management. Currently, I am working on my Doctorate in Psychology emphasis of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Being a musician, I have witnessed how addiction can destroy more than the substance abuser, but the individuals who are in their life. Having to come to grips with my own addiction, made me feel that there was more to do with my life other than offer words of encouragement to those who are suffering. I am also an entrepreneur with knowledge of businesses and management. I am a man of many hats; I am also a motivational speaker! I truly believe that God in his infinite wisdom put me here to help those who are struggling with life. I am looking forward to using my knowledge, experience, and expertise in helping you walk this journey of a thing we call.. “LIFE”!! Let’s do a good thing; let’s embrace life and learn to accept joy, happiness, and fulfillment.

Areas of Coaching:
Substance Abuse

Areas of Business:
Leadership Training
Business Performance Analysis

Motivational Speaking
Professional Drummer/Singer

Ways of communicating with me:
Video Conference   

Email: [email protected]